Auto Play

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Auto Play

Hi Bruno,

Would it be possible to include a function to Qmidi.

It would be great if when on auto play (Chain Play), we could have only certain song that would NOT auto start by somehow highlighting them.

Let me try and explain it better.
It would be great if when Im playing a set, I can have 5 songs auto play, but on the next song, have it stop while still in auto play because I need to speak to the crowd etc. Then I would continue to play the rest of the set. I sometimes might need to stop maybe 3 times during a set but have it auto play for the rest.

I hope that makes sense.

In the screenshot I would like it to auto play up to song 20 and stop on Conga. Then when I hit enter, it auto pays to song 26 and stops on Drift Away then I hit Enter again and it auto plays to song 29 and stops on Footloose. these are the points I speak to the crowd.

This would have to save in the library. Maybe the "SHIFT" key could turn on & Off the Stop Points.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance


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Re: Auto Play

Would be really useful
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Re: Auto Play

In reply to this post by claude
Hi Bruno,

Any thoughts on this Feature request?

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Re: Auto Play

In reply to this post by claude
My proposed solution for this:

The autoplay stuff could be moved to the Player Menu (as well as a button on the transport window to see the current autoplay status).

This way, you can easily toggle the autoplay state by assigning a keyboard shortcut.
Mixage Software
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Re: Auto Play

Im not sure if that will work.

I would like it to be in auto play but stop on certain songs (See above with Red X)
This way, it will keep playing songs till it gets to a song with a Red X.