Auto whole beat alignment on :000 boundary

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Auto whole beat alignment on :000 boundary

Dick Schmitt
Could there be an option we could toggle on/off that would align all lyrics (in single word mode) on the :000 boundary?

The workflow would be as follows:
--toggle on beat alignment
--I play the midi and align the single words texts with the enter key or mouse click
--since I am a bit slow, the words now fall like this   001:01:015 -- which the system would automatically set to 001:01:000 (align on the beat boundary -- so in 4/4 time, the only alignment would be on:
00x:01:000, 00x:02:000, 00x:03:000, etc.)
--when finished, I would toggle off the setting so I could go in and manually modify (e.g, an eighth note may need to be set to 001:04:500, a sixteenth note as 001:04:250)

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Re: Auto whole beat alignment on :000 boundary

Some kind of "quantize"? I may add an action menu to accomplish this. Thanks for the suggestion.
Mixage Software
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Re: Auto whole beat alignment on :000 boundary

Dick Schmitt
Yes. You could give options such as "align on quarter notes" or "align on eighth notes," etc.

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 8:11 AM mixage [via QMidi] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Some kind of "quantize"? I may add an action menu to accomplish this. Thanks for the suggestion.

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