Can you have chords above each line of lyrics?

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Can you have chords above each line of lyrics?

Hi Bruno,
Been using Qmidi for many years as a solo musician & loved it. I've always edited my lyrics in Cubase & had chord changes written as text (B#)(Cm) etc in between the lyrics. I've only just tried using the chord sync feature in Qmidi Pro. This is great for transposing keys. What would be great is to have the chords above each line of lyric instead of down the bottom. It's easier to read the words & chords when they are above it. Especially when you've just learning a song. Even to have an option of above each line or on the bottom would be great. You see it on youtube clips just as text but I think most musicians would really love this. Any chance you could make this happen?

Cheers, Bruce
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Re: Can you have chords above each line of lyrics?

Hello Bruce, thanks for your request.

At this time, you can use a trick to have your chords displayed this way:
1 - Export your text+chords as "ChordsPro" format.
2 - Open the result file with "ChordsPro Buddy"
3 - Print as PDF.
4 - Link the PDF to the original file in QMidi.
Mixage Software
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Re: Can you have chords above each line of lyrics?

The PDF workaround is not an optimal solution.

• It's just a workaround and the result may be satisfactory for non-professional users.
• Some songs contain lots of text (medleys for instance) and one can easily lose track.
• PDF pages must be displayed as a whole page. I personally have my lyrics in a little window of max. 6-8 lines*. The rest of my monitor space is filled with special setlists and other goodies.
• It's not possible to highlight a line in a PDF.

* some songs (especially medleys) have some unexpected chord changes in them. If my eyes had to jump more than this ammount of lines up und down for a longer time, I would go probably crazy.
