Editing Genos ChordLooper files (.cld) with MidiKit

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Editing Genos ChordLooper files (.cld) with MidiKit

(From MidiKit user Sebastien)

I need your help with Midikit.
I just bought Midikit to edit and modify the chord sequence generated by my keyboard wich are .cld files but equivalent to .mid standard midi files.
I can open them into Midikit without difficulties.
I can modify the chords or the measures, all works fine.
But, when editing anything, the last chord is no more recognize by my keyboard. In the sample below, the keyboard loops directly to F after Dsus4. It seems that the last D disappear.
Just saving the file seems to occur this issue.
Do you have any suggestion ?
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Re: Editing Genos ChordLooper files (.cld) with MidiKit

Found a workaround on internet :

The only point of attention is that after the last chord, on the next measure, you have to place another midi event. I use a Copyright text event (insert Copyright). This is necessary because otherwise the last chord will not be played in the Genos ChordLooper.
Mixage Software