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Letter Search

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Letter Search

Hi Bruno,

Im not sure if its possible, but when songs are in the list sorted by name in the library, we can use any letter on the keyboard to go to that section that starts with the letter, but we cant place songs in a particular order.

If we sort by number, we can place songs in any order but we can not use the letters on the keyboard to go that particular song starting with that letter.

Is it possible to be able to sort by number. and also then select a letter on the keyboard to go straight to that section that starts with that letter?  I know we can put in a letter in the search up the top, but you need to keep clearing the search to get all the song list back. It would be great to just select a letter on the keyboard just like when sorted by name.

I hope that makes sense.


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Re: Letter Search

Hi Bruno,

Just on my request below, I have discovered that when the library is sorted by number, If you hold the "Control" key then a letter, it will go to that letter. This is great for going to that particular letter..... Its a work around I guess, But there certain keys that dont work

Control M (This actually starts a song)
Control T  
Control C (This Actives the click)

Is there anyway that these can be made to work like the rest of the keys?

Thanks again,
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Re: Letter Search

When you order by number, typing a number jumps to that numbered row. This feature has been added on user demand some years ago. Adding a modifier key probably restores the system behavior as you discovered by yourself.

The real solution would be adding an option to disable the number search feature.

In the meanwhile you could change the conflicting control modifier menu shortcuts (maybe adding the option key):
Mixage Software
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Re: Letter Search

Thanks for that.

It would be great to just hit a letter when you order by number as all my lists are order by number, but I would love to go to a specific letter.

If this can be added in a future update, it would be awesome.

This will be easier than hitting a modifier (like the Option key)

Thanks again,
