I've tested the reverse action, "Moving Media from external to internal hard drive".
The steps are:
1 - Update library aliases and quit QMidi.
2 - Make a backup copy of the "(Home)/Music/QMidi/QMidi_Library.sql" file, just in case...
3 - Move all the media files of the external drive into a folder named "QMidi" at the root of the external drive.
4 - Update library aliases and quit QMidi
5 - Copy all the media files previously moved to the "ExternalHD/QMidi" folder to the "(Home)/Music/QMidi" folder of your internal drive.
6 - Delete the "ExternalHD/QMidi" folder and all its content. You can make a backup copy of this folder but the original and its content one MUST be deleted (move to trash and empty the trash).
7 - Make a symbolic link of the "(Home)/Music/QMidi" folder and copy it at the root level to the external drive. It must be named "QMidi".
8 - Update library aliases and quit QMidi.
If all steps were carefully done, your library now points to the copied files.
Mixage Software