Playlist save Mixer setting

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Playlist save Mixer setting

Mp3, audio or video are stored in different ways by the software.
If I add an mp3 to a playlist then I set pitch and a START position, those setting are stored in the playlist or in the file itself, I don't know. Even if I drag the file in another playlist, I will found the same settings.
Otherwise, if I add a MIDI, there's no way to save muted channel, reverb or other stuff in mixer. Everytime I play the file I need to open the mixer and set everything again.
Would be useful that all those information would be saved in playlist, so I can set a playlist with same files but for different setup. E.G. I have a saxophone player with me then I will mute all solos...
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Re: Playlist save Mixer setting

You're right, MIDI is handle somehow differently.

You can disable MIDI channels in the library. "Edit Info > Options > Disabled MIDI channels"
You can also modify a MIDI mix permanently by exporting with the Save Mix option.
Mixage Software
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Re: Playlist save Mixer setting

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Thank you
Are you planning to let playlists save mixer settings file by file? Would be a faster solution than export every file. And an better organized solution too, one single file instead of X.
(This helps in case of a single file used in different playlists. E.G. playlist solo, playlist trio, playlist with drummer)
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Re: Playlist save Mixer setting

In reply to this post by mixage
Save Mix with a MIDI it's a good solution in most of cases, though.
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Re: Playlist save Mixer setting

Because the mix saving is a destructive operation (all automation is cleared), I have never enabled the direct saving mode to prevent users to inadvertently loose originals.

Exporting the modified file by replacing the original is what you're looking for. Playlists will point to the new file transparently.
Mixage Software