QMidi crash during performance PART 2

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QMidi crash during performance PART 2

Please see attached file for detailsQmidi_Crash_2.docx
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Re: QMidi crash during performance PART 2

Great job Alain !

Please send me the two files so I can reproduce the crash.
Mixage Software
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Re: QMidi crash during performance PART 2

Can I send the 4 files (CDG and MP3) via your Personnal email or with a WeTransfer link ? To be honest I would bet that you wont be able to reproduce the bug...but if we don't try !!!!
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Re: QMidi crash during performance PART 2

In reply to this post by mixage
By the way, today I tried the same steps that I describe on my text file with the same songs and Surprise! no issue at all...mysterious....I will keep an eyes if it happend again

AS I explained on my first text file The issue happended on a previous shoe with another song and I did this to resolve the issue

TEST I MADE to resolve the issue
1* I made a test by removing the file from the reading list SPECTACLE, and recopying From the LIBRARY and It crashed again.

2*I made another test by Removing the song from the LIBRARY and recopying from the originate location in FINDER to the LIBRARY again and it works fine.
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Re: QMidi crash during performance PART 2

Mixage Software