Tempo change

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Tempo change

Hi Bruno,

Could I make a suggestion, is it possible to have the tempo not to remain the same after closing qmidi?

I have had a few instances where I have changed the temp temporarily and forgot to change it back, and next time I went to play the midi file, It was at the changed tempo. Is it possible to either have it as a "save" or "Save as" tempo change or simply revert back to the original tempo after Qmidi closes...

For example, If a midi files has a tempo of 100, it will open with a tempo of 100 every time I open that file, but if I change it to 50, it will stay at 50 after I close Qmidi and then re open that file at a later stage. I think it should revert back to the original tempo of 100.

I hope that makes sense.


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Re: Tempo change

Are these SMF’s that don’t already have a tempo set within the SMF data, or is the offset overriding the default tempo?

And don’t forget, if there are any tempo changes within the song, changing the initial tempo won’t affect the later ones unless it’s an offset to all tempos.
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Re: Tempo change

All the midi files have tempo set within them. These work perfectly.
I have the issue when changing the tempo temporarily, Qmidi seems to remember the last tempo I changed it to. In my opinion, it should revert back to the tempo within the midi file, when you re open that particular file, NOT the tempo I changed it to.

This should only occur if I save or export the midi file with the new tempo.

Hope that makes sense.
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Re: Tempo change

Could add an option to unlink some settings from library/playlist
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