Tool Shortcuts in Sync mode

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Tool Shortcuts in Sync mode

Is there any chance of adding a simple keyboard shortcut for the pencil, smiley-face (sync) and turtle (half-speed) tools in the sync window?

I find myself bouncing between these tools quite a bit and it's a time-waster to always have to drop to the bottom of the page to select each one constantly...

Unless they are already taken for other functions, can I suggest Option-P, Option-S and Option-T (nice and easy to remember!)?
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Re: Tool Shortcuts in Sync mode

Got it!
Mixage Software
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Re: Tool Shortcuts in Sync mode

Just a quick bump on this one.

I do a LOT of bouncing between typing in exact times from cue points in a song (copied from my DAW) and then tapping in lines of text. A keyboard shortcut between pencil and tap tools would be very helpful...

If a keyboard shortcut isn't doable, a right click tool selector would also be workable (and both would be killer!)
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Re: Tool Shortcuts in Sync mode

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You convinced me :)

Cmd-Option-E, S and T Edit, Sync, Toggle Turtle Mode

QMidi 2.7.4
Mixage Software
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Re: Tool Shortcuts in Sync mode

Awesome. A real timesaver...