Untitled playlists

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Untitled playlists

Hello -- Somehow, I have managed to create "untitled playlists" by accident, without intending to, and without really knowing how I did it (see upper left hand side of attached screencap).  Could you please give me the actual instructions for both creating, and deleting, untitled playlists?  Thank you.

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Re: Untitled playlists

Claudio B
Hello, to create playlists just click the + sign at the bottom left and to eliminate them you have to select the playlist you want to delete and click on the sign - always in the lower left.
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Re: Untitled playlists


Thank you!


On Feb 16, 2017, at 12:28 AM, Claudio B [via QMidi Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hello, to create playlists just click the + sign at the bottom left and to eliminate them you have to select the playlist you want to delete and click on the sign - always in the lower left.

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