Video skipping and jumping after export

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Video skipping and jumping after export

I've had an issue where I'll have a video created in QMIDI that looks great, but after I export, the video file isn't  right. The words will fall behind momentarily and then jump back up again to compensate. I had this issue with a previous version of QMIDI in the past, but it was resolved when version 2.5.7 was released. However, it started happening again with that same version, and then I upgraded to the latest version (2.6.1). Still happening. Anyone else having this issue or have any solutions?

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Re: Video skipping and jumping after export

QMidi creates a frame only when something changes, so exported movies have not a constant frame rate. Some movie players don’t like this. You may try to re-encode the exported .mov with some external application, like Miro, QuickTime, etc, using constant frame rate.
Mixage Software
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Re: Video skipping and jumping after export

Thanks for your reply :)

I just converted it to a constant frame rate, and it did not resolve the issue though.
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Re: Video skipping and jumping after export

SO: send me the file you wish to convert. I will test this issue.
Mixage Software