Gain in information tab

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Gain in information tab

Hi Bruno

What would you think about a gain trim for mp3 volume adjustments?


Thank you.


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Re: Gain in information tab

The big issue is that if you pump up the gain on a already 0db max waveform, so sort of clipping may occur.
Mixage Software
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Re: Gain in information tab

But you could have an MP3 Trim command at least, so instead of boosting the quietest, you could turn down the loudest..!
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Re: Gain in information tab

Dikikeys wrote
But you could have an MP3 Trim command at least, so instead of boosting the quietest, you could turn down the loudest..!
Yes, that would be really useful

Other option would be a sort of "normalization" plugin but guess is way more complicate.
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Re: Gain in information tab

There’s a ton of normalization programs out there that can batch convert entire collections, if you need it that bad. On Mac, I use a program called MP3Gain. But be prepared that it will tend to turn down the loudest as well as boost the quietest, so you’ll need a hair more boost at your mixer. And it also tends to boost songs that SHOULD be quieter (soft ballads, for example) a bit more than you might want. You’ll still need to tweak a bit once done.

Oh, and if you have embedded the lyrics in the file rather than just link to the text, it will store the new file without lyrics, so you’ll have to redo the lyrics save... So always best to adjust the file to the needed level BEFORE you embed lyrics, LOL
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Re: Gain in information tab

Thanks a lot but I do not trust so much those batch converter, thus the lyrics issue is a pain to handle so I'm still waiting for Bruno making his magic!
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Re: Gain in information tab

I wouldn’t worry too much about batch adjusters... for one thing, the better ones can create a folder of adjusted copies, so if there’s an issue, you can always use the old files, secondly the better ones can be set to only adjust a BIT up or down so you can gradually get where you want to go. And if the files are decent bitrate, the better ones don’t introduce any artifacts.

I’ve used them on folders with hundreds of files to balance to burn to CD’s and been pleasantly surprised at how good they worked. Basically, if your file collection runs to the thousands, doing it by hand is pretty much an impossibility...
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Re: Gain in information tab

In reply to this post by Tau
Sarebbe molto utile avere una sorta di mixer per le tracce audio multitraccia e memorizzatile su ogni brano a piacimento (come per la velocità e tonalità). da 0 a + 6db e da 0 a -6db.